We will be a European Company. You can read more about it in the link, and below the comment of Aleksander Gruszczyński, President of the Management Board of Carlson Investments S.A.
As a management board, we have long declared our willingness to appear on foreign markets and we are consistently striving to do so. Despite the fact that recently our company’s shares have been offered on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt and Stuttgart on non-regulated markets, we want to enter one of the foreign regulated markets characterized by greater liquidity. Our goal is for both large and small shareholders to have as wide a choice as possible. We want to be a global player as accessible to investors operating in Poland as in other countries. The current procedures for the movement of securities, those listed even within the EU, significantly hinder cooperation with foreign investors and make it dependent on registration agents whose services are slow and expensive due to the current legal environment. We believe that by obtaining the statute of a European Company, it will be easier for us to work effectively on foreign markets without giving up the Polish market and domestic investors. At this point, I would like to assure the Company’s Polish investors to date that the status of our activity in the country does not change. What’s more, all the projects carried out in the home country are gaining momentum. Our partner company Carlson Evig Allfa VC Fund signs new interesting investments, and we actively participate in the process of their selection and selection as part of our consultancy. From the point of view of Polish shareholders, our activity on the international market should translate into much better liquidity of our shares and provide them with the opportunity to receive a better rate of return on investment in the future. I am convinced that any patient investor who places his trust in us will not be disappointed. https://www.fxmag.pl/artykul/carlson-investments-sa-obejmuje-100-udzialow-w-czeskiej-spolce-cel-znaczne-ulatwienie-dostepu-do-akcji-dla-zagranicznych-inwestorow?fbclid=IwAR2-2Aut-IqbpWT-dA6L08jsbAGdUbjwHkDg0pWEZ1uhhK0spdYqNrYRHxM